Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Upside down

         Its been awhile since I update my post or reading other's post. Its been complicated this lately that every part of my life seems like going upside down.Is it my problem that cause everything to change around me?Probably,yes.I'm imperfect till everyone around me suffers that they rather dump me throw away this miserable feelings.Sorry for causing so much trouble in your life.My heart still aches even if we didn't broke up because I know that it will changes our feelings towards our relationship and it will not go back like how we just started.I'm selfish am I not? to hold what it doesn't belong to me,to grab what I shouldn't.... Will you still hate me? or you would rather let me go just to think that my future is better off without you? 

          What's happening to me? Is it my fault for making my relationship so poor? Am I that creepy? Should we meet more so we could understand each other better or let it be?I need guidance from you,wolf